Pet of the Day

October 5, 2000

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Rupert, the Pet of the Day
Name: Rupert
Age: One and a half years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Dwarf Rabbit
Home: Amherst, New Hampshire, USA
   I had always lived under the assumption that all rabbits were lazy and did nothing. I had only been exposed to rabbits living outdoors. But, because I thought that was cruel, I decided that if I ever got a rabbit, he/she would be an indoor bunny. Then, I met Rupert. I saw him in a cage at a pet store, all alone. I went to the bars and put my face close to his. He came up to me and licked my nose! I did what any sucker would do, I brought him home.

    Today, Rupert lives in a cage in my room. He has been a ray of sunshine in my life. He is so sweet and caring. He does not liked to be held for very long, but he will allow you to pet him forever! He is picky and extremely spoiled. Because I love him to death, I give him anything and everything he wants. He has also abandoned his cage and claimed my bed as his. Rupert follows me everywhere. When I leave the room I can hear the click, clickity, clack of his nails on the floor trailing after me. He is treasured by the whole family. He has acquired nicknames such as "sexy man" and he has his own song... "Oh Rupey you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind..." I think he loves every minute of it... I cannot imagine my life without Rupert and I still do not know how I ever got along without him.

    Visit Rupert's website.

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