Pet of the Day

October 3, 2000

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Brownie, the Pet of the Day
Name: Brownie
Age: Seven months old
Gender: Male
Kind: Guinea Pig
Home: Reynoldsburg, Ohio, USA
   Brownie is our guinea pig. We made a cage for him with no bottom out of K'nex so he can sit outside and chew on the grass. Brownie also loves to eat spinach, lettuce, celery tops, and grapes. Brownie is so spoiled he will not squeak for food. All he has to do to get our attention is stand up on his hind legs and stick his nose up in the air! About once a day we let Brownie out to run in his sister's room. He just loves scurrying around, seeing if he can get into trouble! Every so often he will even leap into the air!

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