Pet of the Day

December 30, 2000

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Ziggy, the Pet of the Day
Name: Ziggy
Age: Two years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Sable Ferret
Home: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
   This is my ferret Ziggy. He is special to me because he is the first ferret that I got after going away to college. I had to give away my ferrets that I had as a kid when I went away to pharmacy school. I couldn't wait to move out of the dorms to get another ferret. I lived in the dorms for three years. My fourth year, I got an apartment near campus. That August, my boyfriend told me that I could have anything I wanted for my birthday. Needless to say, I asked for a pet ferret. September came and we went pet shopping. We picked out Ziggy and lots of extra goodies for him. He got a three story cage, toys... the works! Since then, I have expanded the ferret family to four, but Ziggy will always be special to me!

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