Pet of the Day

December 17, 2000

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Bucky, Patches, the Pet of the Day
Name: Bucky, Patches
Age: One year old
Gender: Male
Kind: LaMancha Goats
Home: Fountain Inn, South Carolina, USA
   My pets Bucky and Patches are special because whenever I'm down I can go to them. They always cheer me up. When I don't have a friend any where else they'll be there for me. They love to eat. This is a picture of them eating, as usual. Bucky is the fat white one and Patches is the thinner one with brown patches. I ride my bike up and down our three tenths of a mile long driveway with them by my side. Along the way they stop to eat. They will follow me anywhere, just like dogs. We got them when they were five months old. When ever I have to leave them (they stay in the chicken yard) they start crying this pitiful little cry that sounds like they are dying. I think that my goats are the best pet anybody could have.

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