Pet of the Day

December 8, 2000

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Zippo and Ollie, the Pet of the Day
Name: Zippo, Ollie
Age: Five months old
Gender: Male
Kind: Short-Haired Guinea Pigs
Home: Weston, Florida, USA
   These are my two guinea pigs, Zippo and Ollie. They are special because they love to play and give me guinea pig kisses. Most people think guinea pigs are boring and just sleep and eat. That is very false! My guinea pigs are the cutest things. The brown one is Ollie. He is hyperactive! But the black one with the brown patches, Zippo, is very calm and quite. Zippo is mine and Ollie is my sisters. There is no other pet I would love more than Zippo and Ollie! But wait, there is more! Zippo and Ollie are on the web at their page and the Guinea Pig Club

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