Pet of the Day

December 3, 2000

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Jake, the Pet of the Day
Name: Jake
Age: Five years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Lesser Sulphur Cockatoo
Home: Leicestershire, United Kingdom
   We have only had Jake for nine weeks. He was rescued, along with another Cockatoo and his friend Spud, the Senegal. They were all being kept in terrible conditions and were being physically mistreated and neglected. Sadly the other Cockatoo was so mentally affected he had to be put to sleep. however, Jake and Spud were given a clean bill of health at the vets and started their new life with us shortly after. Spud is just "boarding" with us until he can find himself a new wife. Jake however, is here permanently.

    Jake is a male and thought to be about five years old. At first he was very nervous and it took me a couple of weeks before he would happily let me stroke him. Once he let me do than though, his confidence has grown quickly and now he gives and receives kisses, is trying to talk, is just beginning to gain his strength and will try to fly to me - usually ends up on the floor but the he climbs up my trousers to reach me!! He is an absolute delight and though noisy at times, he is generally gorgeous. Jake, Spud and the rest of the family - i.e. Barney the Conure, Spike the Cockatiel, Archie the Eclectus, Simba the GSP - God Spare Parts - Pedigree Mongrel, Toby the Cocker Spaniel and the Koi Carp - oh, and the Humans, all live in Leicestershire in the United Kingdom.

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