Pet of the Day

September 26, 1999

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Chubb, the Pet of the Day
Name: Chubb
Age: Deceased, Six months old
Gender: Male
Kind: Dwarf Campbell's Hamster
Home: Calgary, Canada
   Chubb was a most remarkable hamster who grabbed our attention one day while we were at the pet store to buy a lizard. As we passed the hamster cages, this tiny little guy was leaping up and running back and forth, mightily striving to get our attention. We went over to take a closer look and fell in love. From that day forward, we became hamster people.

    After a few months with us, we noticed that Chubb didn't seem quite right, and after consultation with a vet, Chubb was diagnosed with diabetes. He received an insulin shot every day, and got a special diet too. Although Chubb gave his best effort to fighting the illness, he left us for the Rainbow Bridge after a few short months. We have been moved by his spirit, and will forever afterwards be hamster aficionados because of this brave little being.

    Through Chubb's experience, we learned of some very special people who devote themselves to caring for diabetic pets. You can visit them at Pets With Diabetes and Diabetes and My Dog.

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