Pet of the Day

November 27, 1999

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Cozmo, the Pet of the Day
Name: Cozmo
Age: One year old
Gender: Male
Kind: Pacman Frog
Home: Folsom, California, USA
   I got Cozmo at a local Petsmart. He was sitting in his little cup and he looked up at me and croaked. Then I thought to myself that I might have scared him, so I finished my shopping there and left. Then I came back the next day to see if he was still there. And there he was, in his little cup. He then again looked up and croaked at me. And that was when I knew he was for me. I bought him that day. Then I did a lot if surfing the net for info about this type of frog.

    He now lives in a ten gallon tank with soil about two inches deep, and a water bowl. He does not know any tricks but he does croak every once in a while. I could not think of a name so I went to a web page with a whole lot of froggy names and I thought Cozmo would fit real well. When I feed him fish he always misses the fish and gets my finger, but that's fine for now, because he has no teeth "yet." His favorite things to do are eat and sleep. Right now he is about as round as the bottom of a small cup.

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