Pet of the Day

November 20, 1999

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Chiquita, the Pet of the Day
Name: Chiquita
Age: One year old
Gender: Female
Kind: Red Lored Amazon
Home: Lafayette, Indiana, USA
   This is Chiquita, she is a one year old red lored Amazon. She lives with her parents Nikki and Jeff in Lafayette, Indiana. The reason I feel that she is special because when we went to the pet store the owner and his son could not even handle her. She was very angry for some reason and would hardly let anyone handle her. The pet shop owner said if we could handle her he would give her to us for a great price. We were very scared because we knew from experience how much a parrot bite could hurt. She greeted us with hello and she put her head down to get a head rub. We were shocked.

    We took her home that night and she became the light of our lives. She likes to sit in my boyfriends lap and beg for head rubs and when we cannot rub her head she takes one of her wooden chew toys and rubs her own head. She can say hello, and when she wants to persuade me to give her attention she whispers Pretty bird pretty bird, which go's straight to my heart. We also have a Nanday conure and three parakeets. Chiquita is trying to teach my conure to say pretty bird. The house can get pretty noisy at times but I would not trade my babies for the world.

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