Pet of the Day

November 12, 1999

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Tweed, the Pet of the Day
Name: Tweed
Age: Two years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Teddy Guinea Pig
Home: New York, USA
   This is my guinea pig Tweed. She is a two-year-old Teddy Guinea pig, with a silver/agouti goat. She lives with me in New York State in the U.S.A. She is very special to me because she doesn't take any guff from anyone, not even her kids! I got her from a breeder at a guinea pig show. Tweed was not very friendly then, and she even bit at us! But I wanted her, and she is now my best little friend! Because she is a Teddy, her fur is very scratchy and fluffy, and it feels really good to tickle her. When I come to feed her, she almost falls out of her cage when she leans over the top edge, straining for a carrot. She wants it to be handed directly to her. She also is very docile, and if you cup her in your hand sitting upright, she will just sit like that forever. Visit Tweed's website.

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