Pet of the Day

November 8, 1999

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Thumper, the Pet of the Day
Name: Thumper
Age: Two years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Lop
Home: Buckinghamshire, England
   This is a picture of Thumper. Thumper is a rescue bun and this is his third home, when we first saw him he had a sign up stating that he was a "Problem Rabbit" and his rescue was not to be taken lightly. Well I just fell in love with those big brown eyes straight away... The first time we met he sat and let me stroke him, thumping in protest if I stopped. He settled in to our home really quickly and became best buddies with Bunnie almost immediately. At first he really lived up to his name, but with love and patience has settled in and I can't remember the last time that he "thumped." After five months I am really puzzled as to why he was ever labelled a problem, he's the world's biggest softy, loves cuddles and is very friendly! (As well as being the best behaved of our three buns!) Everyone that meets him falls in love with him! That is why I would like him to be pet of the day, he had such a hard start to his life, but is now a very happy and adored housebun, I feel truly privileged to be his mum.

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