Pet of the Day

November 5, 1999

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Snowi, the Pet of the Day
Name: Snowi
Age: Less than one year old
Gender: Female
Kind: Budgerigar
Home: Toronto, Ontario
   Snowi is a budgerigar I bought as a companion for another budgie I rescued from a negligent family. Snowi, much to my surprise, turned out to be far more jittery, shy, and aggressive than the older, and one would assume more traumatized, Nauvi. I never expected this, having gotten her 'hand tamed' from a pet store. Sadly, she never became very tame, and remains frightened of me and a real henpecker of Nauvi.

    I must admit until recently, I wasn't very fond of her. After all, she didn't have a great personality, despite her pixieish cute looks. But she recently became very ill due to first a bacterial infection, then a more serious condition that is still causing her to fight for her health. I never realized how much this little ornery bird meant to me until I realized that she might die, so young. In her now weakened state, I've slowly been able to accustom her to my handling, which is necessary with her medication, and found out how delicate, beautiful and resilient she is. I've also been able to take some lovely photographs of her. She is truly a special bird, and I'm sad that it took such a horrible event for me to understand this.

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