Pet of the Day

November 3, 1999

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Lucy, the Pet of the Day
Name: Lucy
Age: Two years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Chinchilla
Home: USA
   This is Lucy. She's a female chinchilla, about two years old, and she's a wild woman! Lucy is special because she loves to explore and run around like a kid on sugar. Once, she was so into exploring that when she tried to hop up and sit on top of the usually closed toilet, she fell in. She didn't enjoy her swim, and she looked about half size because her fur was all matted and wet. She has beautiful, soft grey fur, but looked like a drowned rat when she hopped out of the toilet. She was very indignant. Lucy has a lot of spirit and energy. The only thing that stops her lightning speed is when she hears the raisin box being opened. She loves raisins! She likes to have her cheeks scratched, but only while she's in her cage. When she's out of her cage, all you see is a grey blur!

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