Pet of the Day

March 29, 1999

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Timex, the Pet of the Day
Name: Timex
Age: Eight years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Mule, Belgian horse mix
Home: Monroe Center, Ohio, USA
   Timex is called Timex because he just keeps tick'n. Timex's owners will be leaving soon on a trip to Texas. They will be riding in a covered wagon pulled by Timex and Tilly from Monroe Center, Ohio to Texarkana, Texas.

    They will leave home on or about April 1, 1999 and expect to get to Texarkana, Texas in about three months. Timex and his partner Tilly are mixture of mule and Belgian horse. They weigh in at 1400 pounds each and are between seven and eight years old. They share one pail of grain taking turns eating a mouthful. They do have a mind of their own. They set their own pace and will stop if they get over heated. Timex will sleep-walk. To see them is to love them and we wish them the best on their trip.

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