Pet of the Day

March 15, 1999

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Sophie, the Pet of the Day
Name: Sophie
Age: One year old
Gender: Female
Kind: Pot-belly Pig
Home: Indiana, USA
   Sophie is a silver laced pot-belly pig that turned one Monday March 1st, 1999. I bought her from Nancy Shepherd of Pig O' My Heart Pot-Bellies. She is only forty pounds but she isn't full grown as-of-yet. (She is about six months in that photo and about twenty-five pounds.) She is a big hit wherever she goes! She has gone to daycares and schools and soon hopefully nursing homes. She sleeps with "her" cat Sassy and plays with my labrador Cooper. She has a whole lot of toys and blankets to cuddle with. She is harness trained and is litter-box trained and has never made a mess! She also can sit, shake, circle left and right, sing, grunt on command, jump through and over things, stand up, and kneel. The objects she jumps over are about eight inches off the ground so it is fairly hard for her but she does it! She is spayed. She flops down on her side to get belly rubs. When she is happy she makes squeaky sounds.

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