Pet of the Day

March 4, 1999

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Agape, the Pet of the Day
Name: Agape
Age: Thirteen months old
Gender: Male
Kind: Illiger's Macaw
Home: Washington, USA
   I met Agape when he was ten months old. He was at a local pet shop on consignment and that is where he picked me out. It took me three days to figure out what Agape knew from the start, that we belong together, but I came to my senses in time and we have been very happy. It was very hard for Agape at first. I later found out that he was abused and teased in his former home. Due to his past he didn't trust anyone and it took quite a bit of effort to convince him he was safe now. It has been over four months now and he has blossomed into a beautiful, loving, trusting baby. He can say Hello, Come here, I sorry, I love you, what?, good boy, go bye-bye? (he says this when I get ready to leave and usually means he wants to come too), water (means "I want a bath now!") and mama along with many other thing when he feels it is appropriate. He also does his version of a wolf whistle which is more a scream than a whistle but is still very cute. Agape has brought us tremendous joy and I am so happy that we could give him the home he deserves.

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