Pet of the Day

June 28, 1999

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Bashful, the Pet of the Day
Name: Bashful
Age: Three years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Abbysinian, Short-haired
Home: Pennsylvania, USA
   Bashful is Amanda's guinea pig. He lives with me in Pennsylvania. It was a special day when I met my guinea pig, Bashful. I can remember it like it was yesterday. It was winter, and my sister had gotten a guinea pig. Her hamster, Bambi, had died. We went to the Frazer Zoo for a water bottle and food dish for my sister's guinea pig. I was looking around at all the animals. What I didn't know was that Mom was planning to get me a guinea pig. My hamster, Cuddles, was getting old and probably wouldn't live much longer. I found the tub with the guinea pigs, and I watched them for awhile. Then I went to look at the adorable puppies that were looking at me through their cages.

    Mom saw one pig, in particular, that she thought was precious. He was caramel colored, with a white nose, chin, and stripe across his middle. His fur swirled to formed a hat covering the top of his head. This beautiful pig was soon to be mine! She stood there for quite a long time, until we were ready to leave. She decided he was healthy and would be just right for me. So, she picked him up. He never went back in that tub again. I came over, took one look, and fell in love with him. He was simply irresistible. We took him home, and I tried to think of a name. My new guinea pig was very shy, he liked to hide under my arm. Hence the name Bashful. Bashful soon learned to love me. When I would pick him up, he would cuddle up under my chin and purr. He was my baby. This is the story of how I got Bashful. A very special day, indeed!

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