Pet of the Day

June 27, 1999

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Goldberg, the Pet of the Day
Name: Goldberg
Age: One and a half years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Angora Rabbit
Home: New Bedford, Massachusetts, USA
   Hello, I am a lop-eared angora bunny and go by the name of Goldberg after the famous wrestler Bill Goldberg. My previous owners kept me in a gloomy dark cellar in a cramped 12" x 15" cage. I could only sit in my own filth, and after such prolonged abuse even forgot how to hop!

    I am happy to say that I was rescued by my new owner who clipped my very long nails and cleaned me up. She takes me in the yard three times a day to stretch my good luck charms and now I can run and jump as far as any rabbit. I love my new home since I have a live-in cage and my large exercise cage. Now I think I'm more gorgeous than any show bunny.

       Sincerely, Bunny Goldberg

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