Pet of the Day

June 9, 1999

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Chubb, the Pet of the Day
Name: Chubb
Age: One year old
Gender: Male
Kind: Parakeet
Home: South Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
   My parakeet in this picture is named "Chubb." He came to be my pet in a weird kind of way. A South Philadelphia neighbor of ours had a grandmom that had a bird and wanted to get rid of him. She brought him to me and he became my second bird. He was a scary thing with a beak that had grown malformed almost down to his belly. With only a few days of his company, I had his beak trimmed, him on my finger, playing with the other budgie, singing happy tunes and thrilled with his new house. It will be a year I have him in July. He imitates the other budgie a lot and he is a very chubby bird!

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