Pet of the Day

June 8, 1999

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ET and Hercules, the Pet of the Day
Name: ET, Hercules
Age: Two years, Six months old
Gender: Female
Kind: African Spurred Tortoise
Home: South Florida, USA
   ET is just a fantastic two-year-old African spurred tortoise, I spotted her in a pet shop window, and she was stuck there with fourteen iguanas. She looked so miserable and lonely in this crowded terrarium, all two ounces of her. She has since gained 28 ounces and now weighs 30 ounces. She comes and runs to my cat, Vagabond, and he protects her from danger. I loved ET so much that I got Hercules her little brother 3.5 ounces at a reptile show!

    Hercules has been in this family since December 1998. For some reason, he is a shy tortoise, but although tortoises are not supposed to sleep in the same house, Hercules has managed to sneak into ET's house every night since the month of January. ET seemed to mind at first, liking her new large spacious house, but, maybe because she had been previously housed with so many iguanas, she gave in to Hercules and now, although they each have their own roomy house, you can always be sure to find the small Hercules at ET's side, and they really get along very well.

    They are vegetarians, and eat all greens, (romaine lettuce, dandelions, green beans, beet leaves, etc) ET loves Bananas, I only have to show her the banana and she'll come running to me, she devours them, as for Hercules he likes to cheat on his vegetarian diet, he eats Vagabond's cat food once in a while and just loves it as if it was "filet mignon," but meat is not too good for them so that is an occasional treat!

    What makes my pets special? They all needed intensive care in order to survive, and with a lot of TLC, a good vet, and almost a 24-hour-a-day rescue work on my part, they now are giving me back so much, just by being around the house, they are so good natured.

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