Pet of the Day

July 15, 1999

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Tootsie, the Pet of the Day
Name: Tootsie
Age: Three years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Giant Green Iguana
Home: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
   My pet's name is Tootsie. He is a male of three years old. He's a giant green iguana and lives in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Tootsie has quite a temper to be frank. He especially doesn't like to be manipulated. He likes to be on my shoulder, though. He does like to be pet from time to time. So I learned to respect him in his preferences. But still he is so funny sometimes! Like when he goes in his small pool. He goes in and puts his head in the water and does bubbles with his nose all along the border of his pool. Or plays Tarzan by going up on the roof of his cage and with his front paws goes from one end of the cage to the other.

    I would just like to say one thing about iguanas. Although I would not get rid of Tootsie under any circumstance, iguanas are not the ideal pet to have, especially in the northern regions where they can't have sun all year long. They require a lot of care, more then dogs. And, it is common knowledge among the reptile community that nine iguanas out of ten going out of the pet shop, died within their first or second year of life because people didn't know how to care for the iguana properly. Please think twice before buying one.

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