Pet of the Day

July 5, 1999

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Crisco, the Pet of the Day
Name: Crisco
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Kind: Budgie
Home: Carol Stream, Illinois, USA
   This is my bird, Crisco. I am not sure how old he is but I came home with him on the last Wednesday of December 1998. My bird is a budgie and very nice. He is very special because when I brought him home, I was terrified and I left him alone for about three weeks. I decided that I wanted to train him, but he would fly to another part of the cage. A couple days later, I just opened the cage door and he flew out (which I intended him to do but he wasn't trained to yet). When he flew onto my tv, (see the picture) I put my finger up and he went right to me! I was so happy the next day I did the same thing and then he flew to my shoulder. Ever since then, he is never afraid of me and he is learning to talk now but is always screaming and yelling.

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