Pet of the Day

July 4, 1999

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Miss Sally, the Pet of the Day
Name: Miss Sally
Age: Seven weeks old
Gender: Female
Kind: Miniature Mule
Home: Cookeville, Tennessee, USA
   Miss Sally is a Miniature Mule who is one month old in this picture. She was given very little chance for survival as she had puss pockets all over one lung. I had to give her three shots a day and beat her chest like a child with CF, plus a syringe of vitamins everyday. She went for her three week check up and the Vet Clinic couldn't believe it. They said they really didn't think she would make it. Everyone said you don't know Helen's determination and that I refused to let her go. She is every beat of my heart and doing great now. She is three months ahead of her age in everything she does.

    She has fought so hard. Got a great report on her check-up today. Somehow the infection went through her navel, the doctor said nothing we could have done would have stopped it. She has a lot of scar tissue yet but that will probably be that way for a long time, possibly forever, but we went into this knowing that. The vet said that my constant love and vigilance saved her life. She is a typical foal now, but way ahead of her age. She was eating grain and grass by five days old, and has been rolling over since she was six weeks. That is one of her favorite things to do, up to nine times over at once on the ground. She loves to give nuzzle kisses, loves her back scratched, loves people, is just a show off. She still has to be put up if there is a threat of rain as she can still chill easily. Her vet is in love with her, his little miracle child.

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