Pet of the Day

July 3, 1999

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Mochoko, the Pet of the Day
Name: Mochoko
Age: Five months old
Gender: Female
Kind: Sable Ferret
Home: Oregon, USA
   Mochoko is now about five months, she was about three months old in picture. Mochoko always has this incredible ability to cheer me up and make me laugh no matter what! She's such a little character. She now has a new little brother named Cujo (nine weeks old). You should just see them play together. It's so cute, and oh so funny to see them running around the room and tumbling over each other. Although she tends to play a bit rough with Cujo (most ferrets do play rough with each other) I really do think she's mothering him as well. I would say it's like she's taken him under her wing, but she doesn't have any of those (hehehe) about "into her hammock?" Yeah, that fits.

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