Pet of the Day

February 9, 1999

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GeeBee, the Pet of the Day
Name: GeeBee
Age: Four months old
Gender: Female
Kind: Hamster
Home: Redondo Beach, California, USA
   My little pet is named GeeBee. She is a very cute hamster and on the small side. A petite girl. Here in this picture she is chewing on her favorite "honey treat stick." She loves these - I bet they are nice and sweet! She likes to hide when new people come to see her, but soon she comes out and does all her "tricks." She climbs as high in the cage as she can and runs all over for them. Our family has had several hamsters throughout the years and GeeBee is a very satisfying pet to have. Easy to care for also - she even faithfully uses her hamster litter box all the time!!

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