Pet of the Day

February 8, 1999

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Igor, the Pet of the Day
Name: Igor
Age: Ten months old
Gender: Male
Kind: Domestic Ferret
Home: Milan, Italy
   Igor is an absolutely sweet, kind and friendly boy. He bit me only once since I had him, but after, with FML's fellows help, I understood that it was an attempt to "take me into the cage." I am so confident in him, that when I take him outside in his carrying pouch, I let the people that want to pat him to do so, and he has never tried to bite anyone. He doesn't even nip, only licks my fingers when I slip my hands through the cage bars.

    He is actually well known and recognized in the area since he was on national TV, in a show dedicated to the animals, with his mate Orietta.

    Paolo Limiti runs, since a couple of years, an afternoon show five days a week, from 2 pm to 4 pm, entitled "Let's see us on TV", with many famous artists as guests. He has had Connie Francis, Pat Boone, Neil Sedaka, Gene Pitney, Van Johnson, Sandra Dee, June Allyson, Jane Russell and so on (just to mention only some of the Americans), with a great audience (6-8 million).

    The broadcast is RAI, the State Italian TV (as BBC is for the UK). The funny note is that the TV Studio is less than a mile from my house!

    For the past couple of weeks the first 45 minutes of the show is entitled "I Love The Animals," and they talk about and show various kinds, present short movies and tell stories about them. Very high emphasis is given to cruelty in some kinds of hunting and to abandoned animals. They always show some for adoptions. It is really well conceived and done.

    I sent a fax proposing to them to say something about Ferrets, and you know that here they are not well known as they are in USA; after a couple of days they phoned to me saying that it was a great idea, asking a few questions on what I intended to say and asking me to take them to the show.

    And that was November 18. I had a real lot of fun in seeing how everybody in the studio was showing interest in my fuzzies, technicians and secretaries included, asking lot of questions on them and wanting to handle and to caress them. A real ferret success!

    On the show I gave some basic info on Ferrets, with emphasis on what kind of animals they are, on their origins, on their habits and mainly on the fact that they are not wild animals at all and on how they can be considered as excellent pets for animal lovers. Th show was transmitted live, not pre-recorded.

    What really surprised me, when I was back at home and I looked at the show I tape recorded, was the amount of close-ups they made on Igor and Orietta, when drinking from the bottle or trying to get inside my jacket or jumping on the floor (they were obviously leashed). I do believe that several thousand people fell in love with them (as I did, but then I said to myself "Hey, wake up! Those are <B>your</B> Ferrets !)

    I was surely happy to show my fuzzies to the whole Country (and as it happened already to me in the past to appear on TV, for professional reasons, it was not for my vanity), but most of all I feel proud to have contributed to spread the knowledge of them in Italy.

    Great news: Igor will become a father around March 15!


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