Pet of the Day

February 7, 1999

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Hashbrown, the Pet of the Day
Name: Hashbrown
Age: Two years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Parakeet
Home: Orlando, Florida, USA
   My pet's name is Hashbrown. She is a two year old parakeet. She lives in Orlando, Florida with me and my husband and three cats. She has only one eye and is showing her best side for the camera. Hashbrown had a boyfriend named TaterTot and he protected her from being pecked to death at the pet store. Sadly TatorTot died after only two months at home with us. Hashbrown was very depressed and after several months of me playing with her she finally started to perk up.

    Now she really is a spitfire!! Her favorite place is in her cage by her "friend" the mirror. Hashbrown is a fearless flyer, though. She dive bombs the cats and terrorizes them with her Woodstock flight pattern. Sometimes she lands on a cat and the cat just sits there with her eyes really big!! Every morning I put her in my bathrobe pocket. After about 15 minutes she crawls out and up to my shoulder and then climbs up my hair to the top of my head. She will spend hours on top of my head playing with my hair or grooming herself. Recently we took her on vacation to Key West with us. She had a great time!

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