Pet of the Day

April 25, 1999

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Corky, Sammy, Gabriel, Danny, and Spirit, the Pets of the Day
Name: Corky, Sammy, Gabriel,
Danny, Spirit
Age: Twelve, Five, Four,
Five, Four months old
Gender: Female, Male, Male,
Female, Male
Kind: Cockatiel, Rainbow Lorikeet, Cockatiel,
Cockatiel, Cockatiel
Home: Ohio, USA
   Corky was the start of love for cockatiels, she belonged to my brother Dan who got her when she was only three weeks old. Dan was blind and very sick and in the last few years he was getting progressively worse but Corky seemed to bring a change for Dan.

    I fell in love with her she had such cute actions and was very loving. We have a blue front Conure who is not very friendly, so I then decided I wanted a Cockatiel. In June I got a three week old pied who became the baby of our house and my constant companion. On the morning of October 16th, 1998 my baby cockatiel died and at 3:00 pm my brother passed away. The next day my sister-in-law insisted I get another bird, so my husband took me out to look at birds. That is where I found Spirit and Gabriel they are brothers. My husband asked which one I wanted, and I told him both of them or none because I could not separate them. I knew how awful that feels and that I could not do that to these babies. They were four weeks old and both went home with us on that day. Gabriel is the name of the angel who appeared to Saint Daniel at three different times and is said to be the mystery angel who appeared to him on the 4th time, and Spirit is my reminder that my Brother is always with me.

    Sammy was my brother's bird and kept him entertained with all his cute little antics. My brother got Danny for his daughter for her 21st birthday and she named her after my brother. All five of these birds are very special in all of our hearts and have helped deal with our loss. From Corky, who never left my brother's side and was on his shoulder when he died, to my babies who are my reminders of my brother and how much I love him. The holidays were very hard to get through but this picture did bring a smile to all of us. Dan would have gotten a big kick out of it.

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