Pet of the Day

April 8, 1999

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Pepi, the Pet of the Day
Name: Pepi
Age: Two and a half year old
Gender: Male
Kind: Blue Front Amazon
Home: Deltona, Florida, USA
   Hi, I'd like to introduce you to Pepi, he is a two and a half year old Blue front Amazon. Male. We live in Deltona, Florida. I bought Pepi in Puerto Rico as a Florida Export. Now we're back. He is bi-lingual. Says things like Alleluia, Holy, and loves to sing "I'm in the mood for Love." When we were raising baby cockatiels he would coo saying,"what's the matter?" when he would hear them crying for food. He calls Carrie, our german shepherd, and when she gets close; he tells her "No!" He is not a problem eater, and really relishes chicken.

    One day I was invited to a dinner where the theme was "Amazon." I took a few birds to entertain the guest. I also took Pepi along for the experience. Put him up high, so he wouldn't be scared. When all the women approached our display; he would say; "I love you," in a very low and sexy voice. The surprise was that I had never heard him say it, and the shy bird stole the show. I could go on, but I'd never be finished.

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