Pet of the Day

October 11, 1998

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Buddy, Kat, the Pet of the Day
Name: Buddy, Kat
Age: Five, Seven year olds
Gender: Males
Kind: Gold Capped Conure, Siamese
Home: Olympia, Washington, USA
   Kat always sleeps in someone's lap, and Buddy curled up next to Kat. Kat didn't mind, so he continues to opt for a nice warm bed. Buddy has a mate now (Sara) a female Gold Capped Conure, and would rather sleep with her. He now has limited his visits with Kat to once a week or so.

    Buddy likes to go shopping with me, and hangs from my key chain when we go into a store. He likes to play Peek-a-boo, but other than that, he is a completely normal bird.

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