Pet of the Day

November 29, 1998

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Maddy, the Pet of the Day
Name: Maddy
Age: One year old
Gender: Female
Kind: Ferret
Home: Michigan, USA
   Maddy was bought at a pet store when I was told that because she was "too old" to be an easy sell and because she was "a biter" she was going to be sent back to the breeder... Since she was already spayed, I was afraid I had a pretty idea as to what was going to happen to her there... and I didn't like it! So, they gave her to me at a reduced price and she came home to join my zoo... Much to my husband's chagrin.

    Maddy quickly quit biting once she was secure, and was relatively easy to litter train... with a little help from the cats. Maddy loves to play with the cats and the dog and gets along well with people and kids. Her favorite thing in the world (next to dried bananas) is to ride on a shoulder for a walk around a park, or even the street or petsmart.

    Maddy is a year old now, we've had her for eight months. She is the funniest little girl at two pound and seeing her keep the cats and dog in their place and stealing socks and food and hiding them in the couch (her favorite hidey-hole) can always make me smile. She's a dear sweet animal, who dearly deserves all she has stolen... including our hearts!

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