Pet of the Day

November 27, 1998

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Pearl, the Pet of the Day
Name: Pearl
Age: One and a half years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Standard Rex
Home: Brooklyn, New York, USA
   This is Pearl, Horizon Sound's Official Mascot, with Redman, the bunny-proof guitar amp, hangin' out, listening to Johnny Young play. She likes the bands, hates some of the rap records we record in our studio. She's a smoked pearl silver rex rabbit if there is such a breed....

    Pearl is about a year and a half old now, six months ago, when I took that picture, she hadn't yet developed a taste for cords, now that she has, she must be banned from the studio proper unless she's on somebody's lap, which she likes just fine. Her favorite activities are dancing when we sing to her and following us around, licking us and getting petted, and pulling hay through her shredded towel. Oh, she also likes to pose, she knows she's a star, or at least a model.

    Even though we got her in a pet store, and we didn't expect to, they've never had anything like her before or since, she's a showbunny that got rejected because her toenails are the wrong color. Redman, our pet guitar amp, (a foot high and battery operated, as opposed to the Marshall Jubilee we record and gig with), is bunny proof because it is entirely made of metal, which no bunny can sink their teeth into. Hook him up with a metal tipped jack, and you've got a bunny-proof guitar amp. Pearl likes our band, Johnny Young. She lounges out and listens, shockingly, she likes to lie under the drums sometimes, though when she hid in the kick drum she went flying like a bat out of Hades when our drummer started playing. Oddly when we play electric, she lounges, when we play acoustic, she tries to nibble the guitar and bass...

    We also run a recording studio, and she likes some artists better than others. She likes Cyrus, another heavy rock band we produce. She doesn't mind the music, but is kind of wary around our reggae artists, (Dennison George and Gussey), because they think of rabbits as food, and always ask if we ever intend to eat no... She doesn't like the rap music!!! She likes the guys we record just fine, just runs behind the shower when their music plays! Of course, Pearl has her own theme song, upbeat and more than a little Sesame Street-like, and she comes running every time she hears it....Or maybe it's us shaking the papaya!'s the song!....I swear!

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