Pet of the Day

November 23, 1998

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Harry, the Pet of the Day
Name: Harry
Age: Four years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Ferret
Home: Oregon, USA
   We adopted Harry from the Oregon Ferret Shelter about a year ago. Actually ferret Mr. Jib picked him out. We think he is about four years old, but can't be completely sure as he was picked up as a stray in someone's back yard. At first we wondered why someone would turn poor Harry out into the cold like that, but we have since learned that he has quite an escape artist. This photo was on his "Lost Ferret" poster. Fortunately he decided to come back before we went to put the posters up.

    Other than his desire to explore the world (and to dig up my house plants) Harry is a great "little" guy. (Only small compared to Mr. Jib who weighs in at around five pounds.) He loves to go for walks on his leash, especially if it means he is going to work with my husband for the day. He also has the admirable quality of climbing back into his cage to use the litter pan when he is out playing. Unfortunately Mr. Jib has not picked up on that one yet!

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