Pet of the Day

March 30, 1998

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Fuzz, Icky, the Pet of the Day
Name: Fuzz, Icky
Age: 2.5, 1.5 years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Ferret
Home: Athens, Ohio, USA
   Fuzz and Icky were both gifts from my husband (we are newlyweds) and these are our four-legged kids. They are curious little creatures with a knack for petty theft -- they provide hours of entertainment!

    Fuzz is a 2.5 year old jill (female). She is very dainty and a bit small (just under 1.5 pounds). Her hobbies include redecorating the end table, exploring clothes hampers, and begging for treats (raisins). We bought Icky a year after Fuzz (both were 7 weeks old when purchased). We had virtually no problems with adjustment, although I have heard others say that they weren't quite as lucky-- this is true with any animal, however. Icky is the brute; she weighs 3 pounds and loves to eat. Whereas Fuzz is finicky about food, Icky doesn't have this problem! Icky especially loves to steal car keys and finger nail clippers, but she will not beg for a treat (Fuzz will stand up on her hind legs to ask for her treat). Both Fuzz and Icky's favorite game is Hide and Seek. They will "dook" and back up and this means that you need to gently tickle their bellies. Then they run under the couch and poke their noses in and out, and the participating human is supposed to try to coax them out to "rassle." It's fun for the first 10 minutes but ferrets could play this game for hours! Fuzz and Icky stay in a large cage during the day while we're at work. Ferrets sleep a lot, so when they're awake they are very active. It's important to give your ferret a lot of attention during their play time. Our ferrets usually have about 4 hours play time per day (a few hours before work, a few after).

    We named Icky after Icky Woods, who played for the Cincy Bengals. He used to do the "Icky Shuffle" after a t-down and this is the way Icky used to walk when she was a kit (baby ferret).

    Ferrets are not rodents and are actually relatives of the mink and otter. They are not vicious, nor are they inclined to "bite off faces." Each ferret has its own personality (just like any other animal) and one should train the animal accordingly.

    I highly recommend ferrets as pets. I love my carpet sharks! They are very entertaining and just plain cute! Of course, you will have to "ferret proof" your home -- ferrets love to dig in potted plants and explore everything. If anyone has any questions, email me at [email protected].

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