Pet of the Day

March 27, 1998

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Rudi Blues, the Pet of the Day
Name: Rudi Blues
Age: 14 years old
Gender: Male
Kind: Russian Blue mix
Home: Centerville, Ohio, USA
   Rudi Blues is a 14 year old mixed breed, mostly Russian Blue, "barnyard" cat. We got him from a farm when he was six weeks old and he has been with us in our Centerville, Ohio home ever since. He is simply the best cat I have ever owned. He has adjusted to I don't know how many moves in his long life, but has never gotten moody or upset like so many pets do. He is very laid back and has tolerated the numerous companions that we have gotten him over the years; feline as well as canine. His favorite activity is to jump on my belly, not anyone else's, mind you! and start "kneading" it with his paws, with a look of utter contentment on his face! He has done this since he was a baby and I don't look for it to stop anytime soon! He truly is a wonderful addition to our household and will hopefully remain with us for another 14 years or more.

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