Pet of the Day

March 16, 1998

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Name: Flee
Age: Two years old
Gender: Male
Breed: Green Iguana
Home: Orono, Maine, USA
   Our green iguana's name is "Flee," or Fig, as in Figitty Flee. He got his name "Flee" because at the pet store he escaped from his cage and was perched on the side of a fish tank.

    Flee is about 1.5 years in this picture but is about 2 years now. Flee is a green iguana with an attitude.

    It's quite obvious why Flee is special. He head bangs when we stare at him, tears up his pad (cage) and goes in to a rampage when he's hungry and cuddles with us when he's cold. There is no better athlete than Flee either, he can do pull ups all day on the wire mesh over hang on his cage, scale vertical walls (as seen in the picture) and is very well toilet trained!!

    Flee's the man!!

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Flee, the Pet of the Day