Pet of the Day

March 3, 1998

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Molly, the Pet of the Day
Name: Molly
Age: Two years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Golden Retriever
Home: Tokyo, Japan
   Why is Molly special? A million reasons! She's such a fighter. I love her because she's the runt of her litter and she's too shy and afraid of the other dogs. While other Golden Retrievers are romping around together, she stays by my side. That's very strange for a golden retriever. I love her because she's so shy, sweet and fragile on the outside but she's tough on the inside.

    My dad doesn't like dogs. When we got her, she was an adorable purebred puppy, she was pampered and spoiled and slept on our beds. Then when she got older, rowdy, furry and big, suddenly my dad told me she couldn't come inside anymore. She had to sleep outside in a small heated dog house, even in a blizzard. Now she is allowed to come into the house, well the downstairs part, and she just LOVES being with us. It's the rainy season in Japan and I convinced my dad it's just too cruel to have her stay outside. She never once feels sorry for herself. I just love her too much.

    The vet said she'd get hip dysplasia later on in her life. I know she'll handle it just fine, but it'll hurt. It hurts me to see her beautiful silky coat get rough and her smooth paws coarse. She loves to listen to music and romp in the snow. She longs to be inside and just is aching for attention. She loves my dad the most, for some unknown reason, and it's just too sweet how she looks up at him adoringly and almost cries out, "Love me, Love me, Love me!!" Her goal in life is to be loved by my dad. She's only two and will always have the heart of a puppy, but being thrown in the cold.....oh she's just so much more hyper and thrilled when she's with us inside the house.

    Whenever I took her on a walk, about 10 people would come up to me to tell me what a lovely dog I had. Now no one does. But she's the most beautiful dog ....

    For more photos and info visit Molly's website.

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