Pet of the Day

September 27, 1997

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Ebony, the Pet of the Day
Name: Ebony
Age: Six years old
Gender: Female
Kind: Dog
Home: Virginia, USA
   Ebony is special because: she is very affectionate and protective, she's very silly, she still thinks she's 6 months old, and she has the grace of a club-footed duck. She has a blue frisbee (her 4th in all). Mentioning the word "frisbee" sends her into a frenzy during which she will forsake anything to find that frisbee. No one taught her this, but when she picks the frisbee up she folds it over her front leg and picks it up. This makes her look like she has big blue "lips."

   Of course she dislikes baths, which I dislike giving to her. She has so much fur it takes at least 1/2 a bottle of shampoo to get her partially clean (not to mention the fact that for some reason she can't get wet). She also dislikes beagles.

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