Pet of the Day

October 9, 1997

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Riley & Oreo, the Pets of the Day
Name: Riley
Age: One year old
Breed: Dalmatian
Home: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
   My Mom says I'm special because I've been able to overcome my rough start in life and become a lovable Dal. People saw the movie 101 Dalmatians and ran out and bought me just because I was cute. They didn't think about how much work and responsibility I'd be. When I came to live with my current family, I was three and a half months old and they were my fourth home!
Name: Oreo
Age: Three years old
Breed: Dalmatian
Home: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
   My Mom says I am a very smart boy. When I want a treat, I can always tell her what I want and where to find it. I know she keeps toast on the counter, popsicles in the freezer, peanut butter in the cupboard and potato chips in the basket on top of the fridge!

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