How about my little Huney Bunny next

I tell you, this girl has been coming out of her shell even more than she was before!
She lets me snuggle with her now without trying to pull away, if the other two are getting attention she makes sure she pushes herself right in so she can get some too, she's even laying in the middle of the floor (never ever did this before, she always had to be laying with her back or behind to the wall), she's even been sleeping better!
Sorry, I just get carried away when I think of the meek little girl that came home with us three years ago and how much she's changed.
OK, now on with more pictures

You may have seen the first few before but I LOVE them!

She's just so freaking cute!

Here I had just caught her at the end of a yawn!

Don't you just wanna give that face a BIG SMOOCH?!

He he and this was after a long night of playing "keep away" with Allison.

And this is one of my favorites!

Roxey's next!