Prayers for Taz Zoee for Bruce's mom.

Scooter's Mom, my mom has had benign tumors taken off her parathyroid gland twice. The first one she had the tumor and part of the gland removed. She is going for a biopsy in January because her calcium level is above 11 again. But apart from that she has done very well.

Originally Posted by Cassiesmom
I have a big one, but I've seen PT prayers work miracles. My father and my brother had a construction business that has just closed. They owe staggering amounts of money to their creditors, which they definitely do not have. The calls and letters have escalated. The business owns a building which, if it would sell, would provide the funds to settle many of the debts. The real estate market stinks to say the least. So, everyone, could you pray that someone would want to buy the building. ...

I have GOOD NEWS- a potential buyer came to look at the building yesterday and came back today - so we are hoping. Please pray that either this might be "the one" or the financial situation might ease up somehow. ...

Well, there's an offer. It's not the offer we wanted, but it's an offer. The bad news is all the fees and taxes that will be owed. Grrrrrr! ...

Update to the update. Because of zoning issues, the transaction needs to past first the Planning and Zoning Commission and then the full city council. It's in a residential neighborhood but the business was there before the zoning ordinance took effect. Please keep praying. ...

The P&Z commissioner came in and took a look around. There's nothing that isn't fixable. The buyer is still interested. Thank you for your prayers about that. ...

Planning and Zoning Commission meets tomorrow evening -- please pray it will go through.
It passed the P&Z meeting, 5 to 2. City council is apparently just a formality to act on the recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Commission.