I just came home from the vet, and they found nothing abnormal in her bladder!!! I have no words to describe how relieved I am!!!

It was a hard work, and a lot of stress for Luna. We wanted to try it without anaesthesia, and they had to shave her belly first. This alone was difficult enough. By the time the vet started doing the ultrasound, she started fighting and acted really agressive, and it became worse. She growled and was hyperventilating, and was really in panic! They even wrapped her in a towel but this scared her even more!

Next thing was that they wanted to give her an IV anaesthesia, but Luna didn't let them close to her veins. We really thought we would have to give up.

I picked her up for one last try, hold her under her arms and she had her claws in my sweatshirt. That way, the vet could finally do the ultrasound.

He was able to see the bladder three times, it was full and looked good, according to him.

To help her deal with the infections, he suggested two homeopathic remedies, Berberis and Cantharis.

I really hope that Luna will find some peace now! Thank you all for your moral support, I don't know how I would have made it through the last couple of days without you all!

Now I need to recover from the stress, and so does Luna!
