ALL my babies are home again FINALLY! I got them all back yesterday. Their homecoming was about the strangeist yet. Chester came home first and then I went and got the girls. Chester immediately did his pur cry thing greeting all of them and went checked out all his sisters, then he started attacking them!!! He attacked Amy 3 times last night and Giz once! He had NEVER attacked anybody before and I was upset BIG TIME! I don't have a clue as to WHY he did that and can not figure it out. I expected to be woke up last night with fighting but everything seems to have settled down and there have been no more attacking and everyone is off doing their own thing this morning.

Amy, of coarse... with the stress of the ride home and then being attacked is trembeling really bad when she moves today and is falling over all over the place so she has went into her "bed" and is resting in there. But last night, she discovered the bag of "Goodies" that her friends in Tennessee sent them and here she is checking them out. (Thanks Kim, they love their new toys!)

Giz ran immediately to the room her toys were in and started digging in her toys, as she does everytime I bring them home. Here she is this morning during one of her breaks from playing with all her toys.

Samantha decided she would pose for the camera this morning and I took advantage of that and wasted not time happily snapping away!

Chester? Well, where else would he be but in his most favorite spot in the house... His BED! He is over his sever scolding for attacking his sisters and hopefully, back on the job of the "Protector"!