I've been trying to get Tori to do this forever! She wants to please so bad but she gets so excited and hyper that it is hard to get her to do stuff. She is such a little goof . We got a gift package from Amy (wolf_q) for Christmas so that is why I was lucky enough to have my camera out to capture her first "sit pretty". Alden was opening the treats that Amy had sent and the girls were calmly sitting and waiting for their treat and when Alden pulled a treat out Tori did her "sit pretty" and actually held it. I just about died..lol. I was so shocked that I'm surprised I even got a picture...lol.

Here she is...

Katie can't do this. She can't seem to balance herself. She tries everytime I ask her to but she always has to balance herself by holding onto my hand.

Sorry the picture is so crummy. I had a whole bunch of the girls with their gifts from Kay and Amy but they just didn't turn out very well. I wish you all could have been here to see them. The girls were so hyper and going crazy with their new toys and Alden swears that Kay and Amy put doggie drugs in them