Hey everybody!! Mommy gave me my Christmas presents early!! She said that she possibly could NOT wait until Sunday to give them to me. She also told me that she went to town today, not planning on getting me anything, except for a bag of different treats Lookie what she came home with!

Momma says me and Maggie have to share the rope and the thingy with two tennis balls on it, else it wont be any fun. . Mom also got doggy shampoo (you can guess what I got when she got home ) and auntie got Maggie a new collar and a bone!!

After my ishy icky bath (mom says I was real dirty, and I smelt bad too..??) mom gave me my presents.

The crackling of the treat bag got me excited and I sat politely for a treat. .

Can you believe I have never had a plushy toy!! This thing is SO weird, it yells at you when you squeeze it too hard it goes "eeekk. .!!" That freaked me out, so I'm not too fond of it yet. .

more coming. .