A message from Louie...

Ut Oh! Mama has that look in her eyes... and I think she's filling the huge water bowl in the bathroom. Oh NO! Here she comes... ewww, she's gonna say it... She's gonna say that word... B A T H. UGH!

"Hey, Louie! Let's go have a Spa Day!" ... Huh? Hey, what's a "Spa Day"? Is there gonna be food? How about Tennis Balls? I love tennis balls... Mama, why are you wearing shorts? Don't you know it's winter? .... Wait, Wait! Why are WE going into the huge water bowl?!
NOOOOOOO! Daddy! Help! *Sploosh* UHG! I hate WET.
Aw, Mama, I worked so hard to get that great "Doggie Smell". Why don't you like "Eau De Earthworm"? I like it! Are WE finished yet? We are? Good. *ShAkE*
Yippeeee! I'm Fre- What? You mean "Spa Day" is not over? Hey aren't those Nail Clippers in your hand? Mama, why do you have one of MY cookies in your mouth? Oh. I see. I get the cookie when "Spa Day" is done? Ok then... are we finished yet? Can we play ball now?... Where's MY cookie?!

Note to all my Fuzzy Friends:
BEWARE! "Spa Day" is really just another word for B A T H!
Don't be fooled!
.... I Loathe "Spa Day".

MMMMM... the cookies were good!

LOUD Louie

Sorry no pictures yet, as Fearless Daddy was sleeping.