I've been reading "How to Speak Dog" by Stanley Coren, and there is a lot of interesting things in it (and I just started it!)

Anyway, I mentioned things to my dad about it, and I guess this evening he was on a gun forum that he lurks on. He read a post about a guys wife, and appearintly she lives somewhere in the states, in the country somewhere. She wanted to go to the store I guess, so she took her child and put it in it's stroller, then strapped on her gun. I guess she lives in a bad place??? Anyway..along the way 2 pitt bulls come running at her, showing their teeth and growling.

I guess she put her hand on the gun...I guess to shoot them, but they stopped and rolled on their backs.

This guy said he wanted to go back there with some big gun and wait for them to come running at him so he can blow them away

How can people not know the simplest of dog language?? I mean, obviously the dogs ment no harm if they rolled on their backs showing their belly...it's the most submissive thing they do, right? Also, dogs show their teeth when they are really submissive as well...so there sweet dogs were just being really submissive...but because one, they are pitts, and 2 these people no know nothing about dogs, they would go and kill 2 perfect, innocent dogs!

I find that so annoying....Appearintly there is no HS in the area to take the dogs, and there owner is in jail. There was 3 dogs, one has been shot...and people who live there feed them...poor things

I mean, I don't know that much..I'll admit to that...but I thought some things were obvious? Well I suppose if you've never had a dog.....