Wow! Emma has been here a whole year! It seems like I've had her forever.

We adopted Emma from the SPCA the day after Tigger's birthday(today), last October.

She would constantly smack Tigger and the dogs, and was always hissing. She stayed in my room for the first few months. I eventually moved her litter box to the room outside of my room, and she started going out there to use it.

She still eats, drinks and sleeps in my room, and will run in here anytime she is scared or unsure of something/someone. She is usually out roaming the house during the day, though. She has come a long way. I am so proud of her!

Emma has taught me a lot about cats, even though I already had Tigger. I didn't know about how affectionate they could be. I've never had a cat that rolled over on their tummy for belly rubs, or that wants to pet all the time. That's exactly what Emma is like

She's also my only pet that knows I'm upset before I even know, or as soon as I feel it. She will not leave my side if I'm sad.

I love the way she lays on my tummy/side and purrs like crazy. I love the way she meows constantly when I come home from school, and chases me around. I just love everything about my little girl! I am so happy to have her, and I can't imagine life without her.

Here is the picture of Emma(then Hilda) and her sister at the SPCA. I seen it on their website and had to meet her! :

Here's my favorite picture of her:

And here she is today, laying on my sweater and my school book:

Happy Gotcha Day, Emmie!