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Thread: Hubby's job....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Northern Canada

    Hubby's job....

    My hubby is the administrator of our local shelter. He's been there about a year. He handed in his resignation letter today. The shelter is run by a board of directors who frankly are a bunch of idiots! There are several who are great and who have been on the board for a few years, but a couple of the new members are animal rights activitists. There's a big difference between animal welfare groups and animal rights groups. Those few people are making things impossible around the shelter. I think they'd really like to see no animals adopted ever. The staff are immature, sneaky little brats. The last administator was pretty much a drunk and they could do whatever they wanted, which meant very little work got done. Stuart actually expects them to do their jobs so most of them hate him.

    For the past few weeks, he's been a bear to live with--stressed out and cranky. The job is not well paid so there isn't even a financial benefit for us. It's just reached a point where there is no benefit at all for him, our family or even the shelter. His heart is not in the job anymore. So he handed in his resignation letter today. He's done by the end of the month, maybe sooner. He's happier already.

    I have mixed feelings--I'm fully supportive of his decision. Not worried about money at all. He'll find something to do, he always does. I pay most of our big bills anyway since I make much more. The critters will still get their food and a roof over their little heads. But most of our family came from that shelter. I really liked being involved there for a long time. I'm a little sad to see that end. It was also a good job for Stuart. His back is a mess and he's not supposed to do heavy labour anymore. I'm a little worried he'll go back to that and end up in even more pain.

    But there is good stuff too....

    For a couple years we have been talking about starting a rescue specifically for working sled dogs. The shelter doesn't like to take dogs from mushers and there aren't any other options for them. We'd have to be really specific about our intake requirements or we'd end up with entire kennels dumped, but maybe we could save a few sled dogs from being put down or abused. We are already looking into the requirements to set up a rescue here.

    Every Wednesday night for over two years, we have run a bingo for the society. I HATE bingo. Truly, from the bottom of my soul HATE it. I hate working at it, hate organizing it. It takes tons of time to organize, the volunteers never show up. It's a huge PITA. Next week is the very last bingo we will be working at. I might do a happy dance while I'm selling tickets!

    Plus, our foster dog, Deuce is now staying. The shelter staff thought he should be killed as he has a bump on his nose--apparently all dogs with a nose bumps are aggressive and need to be put down. Stuart brought Deuce home instead of listening to that nonsense. Deuce is not aggressive--he's hyper and had no training. He's learning though and he's a happy, happy boy. His pic is in dog general right now. He can't go back to the shelter; they'd kill him; and no one else has been interested in him, so he's staying now.

    Sorry for the long post....I'm done ranting now.
    If you are lucky enough to find a way of life you love, you must find the courage to live it.
    --John Irving

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    indianapolis,indiana usa
    Sorry to hear the Shelter will be losing him.It always makes
    me a bit sad when I hear that Shelter workers can't stay on
    the same page & remember why they are in animal work to
    begin with.The animals lives depend on their good judgement
    and their compassion for helping THEM.

    The Rescue work with sled dogs does sound like it'd be right
    up your alley. Best of luck with it.
    I've Been Boo'd

    I've been Frosted

    Today is the oldest you've ever been, and the youngest you'll ever be again.

    Eleanor Roosevelt

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    How sad for the good-hearted people of the shelter, you and your husband included. It must be such a relief t him to be shedding that burden, and we all know it isn't the animals that are the reason he's leaving!

    You'll both be in our prayers during this transition and the new endeavor.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Aquidneck Island
    Since you've practically been running a two-person rescue anyway, sounds like something you can really put your hearts into and enjoy. Whatever dogs have the good fortune to come your way will forever be better off, you are amazing with them! I so admire you for all that you already do. Prayers coming your way that Stewart will find a job doing something he loves and that won't be physically or emotionally stressful- life's too short! (((((hugs)))) to all of you!

  5. #5

    Re: Stuart's EX-job ...

    Originally posted by Glacier

    For a couple years we have been talking about starting a rescue
    specifically for working sled dogs.

    .... Next week is the very last bingo we will be working at.
    I might do a happy dance while I'm selling tickets!

    Plus, our foster dog, Deuce, is now staying.

    WHO are you trying to kid!??

    A "RESCUE"?

    With your level of success at "FOSTERING" ...
    might as well just call the new place
    "Glacier's Sled Dawg RETIREMENT Village"
    and be done with it!

    "FOSTER Dawg DEUCE" is a fine example!
    (Welcome HOME, Deuce!)

    As for the Bingo "retirement" ...
    I'd ask that you consider the DOGS & KATS that have to look to
    that Shelter as a life-saving refuge ...

    Maybe you guys could continue supporting the Bingo long enough
    to try to find replacements - dedicated Volunteers are going to be
    needed when the Government stops giving financial help to the Shelter.

    ANNNND ...
    You *CAN* change the make-up of The Board ...
    Might take some hard work - but there must be a few more Folks
    around Whitehorse that can be asked to run for a spot on the Board
    to *improve* things.

    Maybe find a "friendly" newspaper reporter to do a series on the
    "What's Right and What's Wrong at the Shelter".

    /s/ Phred
    /s/ Cinder, Smokey & Heidi

    R.I.P. ~ Boots, Bowser, Sherman, & Snoopy

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    I'm sorry that things weren't working out at the shelter. Such a big loss for them. I wish you and Stuart all the best with your future endeavers. So happy that Duece has found his forever home!

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