I know Sequoia, she is not fond of most other dogs but she feels smaller animals including dogs are prey. We work VERY hard at keeping her under control at all times. When we take her to dog events we keep her on a very short leash close to us. However, many dog owners don't do the same thing. Especially owners of smaller dogs. They feel it is perfectly all right to allow their dog to wander along on an extended leash or completely off leash. I am ALWAYS saying to owners of small dogs to please not allow them to get near Sequoia.

Hypothetically speaking, if I am walking her on the street somewhere and some small dog comes racing out of a yard or house and runs up to her to attack or just to say hello and Sequoia manages to grab hold of the dog and injure it...who is at fault? Sequoia, us, the small dog or the owner of the small dog? My dog is on leash and under control but the small dog is not.

I ask this because a friend of mine was walking her Ibezhan Hound down the street and this Boston Terrier comes racing out of the house and attacks my friends dog "Tesh". Tesh was injured not by the Boston biting it but because she is so timid she leaped in the air to get away and came down wrong and twisted her back and bruised her side. The owner of the Boston took her time coming out because she was on her cell phone. IF this had happened with Sequoia the Boston might have been killed or at the least severly injured.

I was just curious to hear others opinions on this type of situation.
